Monday, December 7, 2015

Going to the Past to Claim my Future

I've fallen off the blog bandwagon. Despite knowing that I MUST write - because it keeps me breathing - I'd stopped. I've been holding my breath. Nothing is particularly unusual about that. I hold my breath a lot and then wonder why I can't breathe.

I'd been keeping a blog called "The T Room" on WordPress and when I decided to dust off my blogging fingers, I discovered that there was a problem with my WordPress site. Well, I could have taken that as an omen and just called it quits. However, as was perfectly stated in church this morning, "I did not survive the storm for a snake to kill me." So, I came back to my original blog space - before I got too bougie for Blogger. I found the blog "What Does TJae Have to Say?" still working and functional, so I decided to re-brand it and go boldly in the direction of my future.

This space will still hold what TJae has to say, but I didn't love that title anymore. The new title "Twelve thirty-four" happens to be my favorite time on the clock. It's the only standard time which uses four digits in their numerical order. Somehow, most days, I am able to catch the clock right as it strikes 12:34 and for a moment I'm reminded that there is a system and order in the world - no matter how much chaos I happen to be experiencing. For a moment, I remember love. When I catch the clock at 12:34 and I'm in a position to do so, I text my husband. The text will simply say 12:34. No other words are necessary.

So this blog is an homage to systems, order and love. When I write - for me - all those things exist.

Please join me on a journey toward my future. If, in fact, the scheduling feature works, I will share the posts at 12:34 - sometimes a.m., sometimes p.m. - depending on which is nearer to the time of actual writing.

Please subscribe, share and comment. Almost as much as I love writing, I love dialog. Let's begin a conversation. Thanks, in advance, for participating in my resuscitation.

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